
Lucy Francine.

In case you didn't know, Lucy's full name is Lucy Decorah Francine. She rarely gets called by her real name, but she still
needs to have one, right! :) I just love this little creature. Everything about her really. One thing about her that I think is so
funny is that she is super scared of the most random things. (The weirdest one is a baby gate... won't go near it!) Maybe
she's just overly sensitive which morphs into seeming scared(?) This so-called trait of hers means that I get to make her do
things for creative photos! This time I placed her on top of our bedroom dresser. She's too scared to jump down so she just
stands up there allowing me all the time in the world to take pictures of her. How can you not love her!? :) 

Lucy | Dresser 1

Lucy | Dresser 3

Lucy | Dresser 2

Lucy | Yawning

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